Home » QuickCheck
Over 300 Easy to Use Work Injury Treatment Guidelines
The QuickCheck app is being used by Urgent Care providers across the nation who want to improve year-round business through Occupational Medicine.
This innovative tool allows medical practitioners of all levels to quickly access guidelines for specific Occupational Medicine treatments while complying with corporate regulations.
What is Included in QuickCheck?
Many Work Injuries You Will See are Instantly Available within QuickCheck
Visit by Visit Guides
Validation Steps
Videos Attached for Additional Content

How to Use QuickCheck
Simply query a keyword such as “lumbar” or “shoulder” and instantly access the guideline with key history, exam, studies, assessment, and plan of care in a concise, easy to use format.
It’s as easy as that to access detailed and informative guidelines with videos that walk you through everything you need to know about the Occupational Medicine treatment and workers comp regulations involved.

Keep Your Patients Healthy and Their Employers Happy
Grow and Maintain your Employer Client Base
With over 30 years of practice, John Koehler MD, ABPM(OM) has grown a successful hybrid Urgent Care/ Occ Med practice by merging strong clinical skills with the nuances of work injury management that satisfy corporate clients.
Employer hot buttons such as lost time, OSHA recordables, intuitive work restrictions, injury validation, and much more are addressed in each guideline!
OccDocOne has transformed the onboarding of new providers through a structured, organized, and detailed training platform. The training with OccDocOne emphasized consistency whenever possible that the same provider could bring to the patient plan. Without OccDocOne the treatment plans were varied and referred out to a specialist when treatment could have taken place in house with revenue producing results.
Dr. Koehler’s QuickCheck guidelines have been a game-changer for our clinic. Overnight, our providers were able to improve their Occ Med skills which have enabled us to consistently grow and retain our employer client base. By implementing the principles we grew our OCC med department by 300 percent in one year and it continues to grow!
Our clinic has used Dr. Koehler’s guidelines now since opening and have found them exceedingly helpful as we grow our Occ Med practice. The providers find them user friendly, concise and to the point. Much appreciated!
We have used Dr. Koehler’s guidelines for treating work injuries have been able to standardize care and improve customer satisfaction. Much appreciated!
After using OccDocOne and seeing it used among our providers in our clinics, I have to say it is an incredibly helpful tool. It provides guidance and structure to the evaluation and treatment of Occupational Health injuries. There is nothing like it. It is a true Tour de Force. Great work.