Work Injury Treatment Guidelines to Help You Retain Corporate Clients

Be the Go-To Urgent Care Clinic for Work Injury Treatment

As you seek ways to increase the patient volume at your urgent care, take time to consider how comprehensive work injury treatment guidelines can bring all of your providers to a high-quality and proficient level of treatment to impress valuable corporate clients.

Work Injury Issues that Corporations Care About

Why is this so important? Well, because corporate clients have many hot button issues related to their worker’s treatment, and they want to make sure that injuries are classified correctly and treatment follows proper protocol. But there’s a big negative gap that can occur here, and employer clients won’t be happy if mistakes are made especially since it may have a serious impact on their business. 

For example, failing to meet the right standard of care for work comp injuries can mean possible harm to the employee, and if their treatment goes on longer and longer, it can cost the company in lost productivity and possibly higher medical payments. 

If improper documentation of an injury happens, like logging an injury as OSHA recordable even though it was not severe enough to be, that may put the company under unnecessary and possibly damaging scrutiny of their workplace safety. 

Bottom line, it behooves your practice to ensure that work injury treatment is done correctly, each and every time. With so many nuances and details for each kind of work-place injury treatment, it can be very difficult for all your team members to cover all their bases. That’s where OccDocOne can save the day. 

OccDocOne’s Comprehensive Work Injury Treatment Guidelines

Over his 30 years of practice and seeing hundreds of thousands of patients, John Koehler MD, ABPM (OM) has seen lots of hot button issues for corporations regarding occupational medicine. With his experience, he’s created a one-stop-shop tool that allows your providers to quickly pull up detailed information on a large variety of common work-place injuries so they can get the job done right without missing important elements. 

Some of the biggest concerns employers have with treatment of their workers include:

  • Avoiding unnecessary OSHA recordables
  • Avoiding lost time from work which is unnecessary 
  • Providing work restrictions for specific jobs 
  • Problems relating to prices and timing
  • Spending more than is necessary on therapy treatment 

OccDocOne can help your team consistently navigate all aspects of these occupational medicine issues with:

  • Over 300 unique work injury guidelines
  • 400 explanatory videos
  • 200 radiology images and photos

Retain Corporate Clients with Consistency

Your urgent care providers can easily get to the information through their computer or on their mobile device via the app. It also has a convenient keyword or category search function to help pull up the needed guidelines quickly. 

For each guideline, your team benefits from visit-by-visit details with instructions on what to do from point A to point finished. The tool covers all the hot button issues for employers mentioned above with clear guidelines on: 

  • OSHA Recordability Issues
  • Controlling lost time 
  • Instructions on setting work restrictions
  • Planning for follow-ups 
  • Proper usage of Physical therapy, specialists, and MRI 
  • How to communicate with employers

Schedule a Demo to Learn More About Our Work Injury Treatment Guidelines

Call  815-415-1234 or fill out the contact form below

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