The Top 3 Unnecessary Occ Med Injury Referrals

Reduce Unnecessary Injury Referrals

If you want to reduce unnecessary specialist referrals at your Urgent Care center there are three categories you can address and make an immediate impact. Urgent Care providers should make it a priority to take care of as much as possible in their clinics without referring unless the case is surgical.

We’re going to take a closer look at the top three unnecessary specialist referrals that are seen in Urgent Care clinics.

Simple Fractures

Simple fractures such as hairlines, metatarsal, distal fibula, and more can all be treated at Urgent Care facilities. Often, when you treat these types of fractures within your clinic you’re not only providing one-stop for your patients, but your clinic is also capturing the global fee.

With QuickCheck for Occ Med, you have 63 different types of fractures right at your fingertips. Although some of these fractures do need to be referred out, there are just as many, if not more, that can be treated on the spot at an Urgent Care center.

Urgent Care centers need to help patients who don’t want to go to an orthopedic clinic and have to pay twice while spending more time in a doctor’s office. Plus, it lets your community know that you can take care of these types of injuries in-house and they can count on you for injury care.

Fingertip Injuries

Fingertip injuries can also be treated at Urgent Care centers and don’t need to be referred out. These include fractures. Even though these are technically “open” and “comminuted” they are not high risk for osteomyelitis and they heal very well with basic closure.

OccDocOne contains guidelines for how to manage these types of fingertip injuries and more. There are 96 how-to-manage videos. These guidelines give providers detailed information on what to do to treat these types of fingertip injuries rather than refer them out to a specialist.

Eye Injuries

Eye injuries are the third category of injuries that are typically referred to a specialist when they can be taken care of at an Urgent Care center. Corneal abrasions, corneal foreign bodies, and chemical conjunctivitis are among the eye injuries that can be treated on-site. OccDocOne contains 13 eye injury guidelines for providers to follow. There’s no need to see an expensive specialist when your Urgent Care center can provide immediate treatment.

Contact OccDocOne Today!

Many companies want their employees to only have to make one stop when they need treatment for an injury. The same goes for people who get injured at home. By adding OccDocOne to your Urgent Care center, you’re making it easier for your doctors to make this a reality.

OccDocOne can help to support your providers while helping you to make a name for yourself as an Urgent Care center that cares for a variety of injuries on site. Contact us to sign up for a Zoom call where we can walk you through the process.

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